ITS Campus, ITS News – 6,424 new students (freshmen) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) for the 2021/2022 academic year were officially inaugurated by the ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng on Monday (9/8). In this procession, they were also presenting remarks from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) RI Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA through video and a Public Lecture from the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) RI Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT.
In her speech, the Minister of Social Affairs, familiarly called Risma, shared her experiences and motivations to encourage new students to study in the Campus of Heroes. She hoped they could be a successful person and provide many benefits for their surroundings and the world.
The former Mayor of Surabaya also said that experience has proven that what we obtained during her college days will affect how we performed and crafted the knowledge into things. Those experiences will help us solve small to complex problems. Risma also persuades the new students to become proud individuals and be creative at the international level.
Risma advised the new students to ensure that they were in the right place when they were accepted as part of ITS. Risma also invites new students not to feel left behind and make weaknesses into advantages. “Because the most important thing is the willingness to move forward,” said Risma, who gave a guest lecture directly from the ITS Rectorate Building.
In addition to the Minister of Social Affairs, ITS new students also received advice from the Minister of Education and Culture, which was delivered through his speech video. Nadiem reminded them that being a college is not the same as education at school. In college, students have the freedom to get a more comprehensive education. “Therefore, Kemendikbudristek provides opportunities for students to take learning outside the campus through the Kampus Merdeka program,” said Nadiem.
He also added that there are various scholarship programs for all students in Indonesia. One of them is the Beasiswa Unggulan (Superior Scholarship) which new students can participate in even though they are still in the first semester. Commitment to liberate Indonesian higher education requires the participation of students. “Take advantage of the college days to know yourself, build bridges to achieve your dreams, and contribute to the country,” he said.
On this occasion, ITS Deputy Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT submitted a new student admission report for the 2021/2022 academic year. “From the 6,424 new students accepted in ITS, they divided into 4,402 undergraduate students (S1), 812 applied undergraduate students (D4), and 1,210 postgraduate students (S2 and S3),” the details reported.
Adi added that the acceptance of ITS undergraduate students came from three registration channels. Among them is the National Selection for State University Admission (SNMPTN), Joint Selection for State University Admission (SBMPTN), and Partnership, Independent, and Achievement Selection (SKMP). Like last year, ITS also received from the international class program or the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). Meanwhile, ITS also accepts 120 students from the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) pathway for the postgraduate program.
Students from Java still dominate the students who are accepted at ITS from all paths. Furthermore, there are 18 new students from the Affirmation of Higher Education (ADIK) program in the undergraduate program and five new students from the Outstanding Student Scholarship Program (PBSB). The ADIK program accepts students from the Papua, West Papua, and Frontier (terluar), Outermost (terpencil), and Disadvantaged (tertinggal) or 3T regions in Indonesia.
This ITS Professor of Electrical Engineering stated that the admissions of postgraduate students were divided into two waves, with details of 1,368 registrants, 1,210 people were declared accepted. In the 2021/2022 academic year, ITS has also received 17 international students from 11 different countries and is divided into 13 people from the Masters (S2) program and four from the Doctoral (S3) program.
ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MT also gave remarks and messages to new students. He said that the proud 2021 new students will be able to participate in various national and international competitions and student unit activities. “Because from there, students can contribute to help raise the name of ITS in Indonesia to the world,” the Professor of Electrical Engineering reminded.
The Rector, who is often called Ashari, said that these students could work together to contribute to building society through creativity and innovation. With solid trust and unity, Ashari invites new students to achieve better achievements with high spirits as the spirit of the heroes on November 10, 1945. “Together, we turn challenges into achievements,” he said optimistically. (sel/ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Najla Lailin Nikmah
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